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‘All For the Greater Glory of God’ is the guiding spirit down the years for the incredible service of the Jesuits to humanity amidst times of prosperity and adversity. The Jesuits have been venturing into the mission of uplifting the poor and downtrodden ever since the inception of the Society of Jesus by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Propelled by zeal and enthusiasm the Jesuits took up education as their mission, and St.Joseph’s College Higher Secondary School, Tiruchirappalli was no exception.

Way back in 1837, Fr.Joseph Bertrand SJ, Fr.Louis Garnier SJ, Fr.Alexander Martin SJ and Fr.Louis Du Ranquet SJ of the Toulouse Province, France set foot in Pondicherry with the noble cause of preaching the Gospel of Jesus. Fr. Joseph Garnier SJ and Fr.Louis Garnier SJ chose Tiruchirappalli for their mission. While the latter felt Karaikal and Pondicherry would be an ideal place for an educational institution, the former, being the Superior General of the Mission chose Tiruchirappalli.

In 1843 Fr.Louis Garnier SJ succumbed to the epidemic of cholera. Pondicherry, being the centre of M.E.P. Fathers, Nagapattinam was fixed upon as a suitable site for the institution.

In September 1844, Fr.Audibert SJ, started ‘St Joseph’s Collegium’  (meaning High School/Higher Education) with one pupil in a small hut at the southern extremity of the town. In January 1845, Fr.Audibert was joined by Fr.St.Cyr SJ, along with five Irish pupils. By January 1845, pupils number rose to 38.

Barely launched second year of its existence, the school was destined to undergo a severe trial of cholera. Fr.Audibert SJ and Fr.O’Kenny SJ were struck by the epidemic. While the former died on 2nd July, the latter died the previous day. 28 year old Fr.Barret SJ who had landed in the country just a few days ago died of Cholera on 31st July. It was then decided to disperse the pupils to their homes when two of them succumbed to the disease.

After a great deal of trouble, Fr.St.Cyr SJ was appointed to succeed Fr.Audibert SJ. A open spot was kindly given free by the Government in the north of the town. There, a large mat shed was rapidly run up, containing beneath its roof, Chapel, Refectories, Dormitories , Classrooms etc.

In November 1846, after a lapse of four months the school was opened in the same mat shed. The pupils from Pondicherry and Karaikal did not return to Nagapattinam as a new educational institution was started in Pondicherry. Their places were filled by native pupils and some came from Ceylon. Moreover, four Jesuit professors from Calcutta joined at Nagapattinam due to the closing of the Jesuit college at Calcutta.

On 11th September 1848 at 11 p.m. when all inmates were fast asleep, a fire broke out. Within a short span of time the fire reduced the building of bamboo mat shed into ashes. The library, which was the repository of valuable books and large quantity of furniture perished in the flames. This disaster called forth the sympathy of all in the town.

Knowing the news of the incident, Sir Henry Montgomery, then Collector of Tanjore, sent Rs.500 to the Rector, and when, some months later, the latter offered to repay, Sir Henry generously refused to accept as he meant it as a gift. The classes went on without interruption right from the next day in a temporary rented shelter.  The debris of the fire having been cleared away, another building, 150 ft. long by 45 ft. wide, was erected once more in mat.

Within a fortnight of the calamity, on 24th September the first mass was said in the temporary Chapel and on the following Friday, Michaelmas day 1848. In October 1848 Fathers and pupils were transferred to the new building. Gradually a handsome two-storeyed building, erected for the St Joseph’s institutions, with its staff of Teachers and pupils, looked out upon the broad waters of the Bay of Bengal with a greater sense of security from any sort of calamity.

In the course of 1852 a terrible cyclone played havoc with the new establishment. Nagapattinam was exposed to the fury of the storm for six hours. Howling wind, the crash of falling trees and houses and, bewilderment and distress of the inhabitants created one of those terrible scenes of desolation that made an epoch in the history of the town. By the time the wind subsided, there was only one upstairs room in the house that had a roof on it to serve as a temporary shelter of the inmates. Such is the story of the Nagapattinam foundation.

The building was repaired, and two long pent roof buildings at right angle were added to the north of it which formed with it a noble quadrangle that served as a playground for the boys. Closing this on the east, a Sodality Chapel was erected at the cost of pupils who had passed through the institutions. The two long buildings were used as dormitories by night, and study, classrooms refectories by day, and a beautifully proportioned cruciform Chapel in the Italian style of architecture was in due course added in 1859, while Fr.Claude Bedin SJ was the Rector.

In 1859 a large hall was built for the accommodation of growing wants. Fulfilling the needs of the pupils, the fathers keenly considered the progress of the institutions as an Educational Establishment. Maintaining a Double Establishment – one for the European and Eurasian pupils, the other for the Natives, and the latter bearing the character of a Seminary for a Native Priesthood as well as a school where the lads of talent would obtain suitable education for the wants of the time.

In 1854 the Establishment for the Natives numbered about 50 pupils, while the other had gradually dwindled to about one-third of that number. Huge expenses on maintaining the Double Establishments was unworkable and out of proportion that it was sought to provide to the European and Eurasian pupils. Eventually the Mission closed the European establishment in 1858 and confined its labours to the education of the Catholic Natives.

In 1856 Fr.Andrew Bruni SJ became the Rector. In 1857, the Madras University was founded and schools and colleges were to spring into existence with a rapidly unparallaled  in the history of education. The Government of India was founding schools and giving pecuniary aid to all who would come forward to promote western education, and opened avenues of government jobs for those who pass through Public Examinations. Realising the job scenario the Mission resolved to make an appeal to the charitable in Europe and Fr. Cyr SJ was sent home for this object. He succeeded in securing funds for relieving the Mission of a certain number of poor scholars. Pupils numbered to 140.

In 1863 Fr. Antony Batut SJ became the Rector. Having accustomed to English methods in England, Fr. Batut SJ led the school into fresh life and full vigour. In 1866, it was affiliated to the Madras University and non-catholic pupils were admitted in the school. Four Fathers from England arrived Nagapattinam. Among them one was an Oxford Don, Fr.John Barrow SJ who imparted a new tone to the teaching force. The number on the school rose to 400. Introduction of definite fee augmented the financial resources. But until then the school was without any pecuniary assistance from the Government.

In 1858 Lord Harris, then Governor of Madras visited the school, and Sir Charles Travelyan in the same capacity in 1860. In 1868 Lord Napier of Ettrick gave a grant of Rs. 250 per mensem ‘as a special case’ ( of 14th November 1868).

In 1869 Fr.Batut SJ returned to France due to his ill-health and he was succeeded by Fr.H.De Rochely, who in his turn was relieved by Fr.Jean  in 1876. It was worth to note that Fr.Jean was nominated as a Fellow of the Madras University in 1880-81 to represent the interests of the Catholic Education on the Commission. In the same year Museum was started and transferred to Tiruchirappalli in 1883. Fr.Alexis Canoz SJ laid the foundation stone for the present Father’s Residence on 1 October 1882.

Sir William Hunter, the president of the Education Commission accompanied by Rev. William Miller of the Madras Christian College while visiting the principal Educational Establishments of the peninsula, also visited our institutions and resulted in an elaborate liberal and discerning educational policy which was a powerful impetus to private enterprise in education throughout the country. In spite of that the proportion of the students sent up for the Matriculation Examinations was not that of the successful when compared to the pass lists of other schools in the Presidency. It became then growingly manifest to the Superiors of the Mission that consistent efforts to develop student numbers proved futile on an unfruitful soil. Three alternatives at hand to solve the crisis whether continuing it at any cost or closing it or removing it to a promising ground. Finally the decision was made by the Superiors of the Mission to transfer the institutions to Tiruchirappalli that had originally been chosen for the purpose 40 years ago.  The difficulties and expense were great. But they had to be faced to redeem the pledge to Government, the necessity of the Catholic population and to succeed in the field of enlightening through education and moreover the upkeep of the school entailed on the Mission.

On the other hand, it was obvious that the S.P.G. would hardly favour the advent of a rival institution, where for 20 years it had enjoyed the monopoly of education in the town. In 1882, in response to the petition from the Bishop of Tiruchirappalli the Director of Public Instruction asked for the opinions of the Department of Education and of the Collector of Tiruchirappalli, and the Committee of the S.P.G. Convinced of the fact that transfer of the school would not hamper Catholic Education and Education in general,

Mr.H.B.Grigg who was at the helm of Department of Education recommended it to Government on the ground that the proposal of transfer would potentially educate larger population of the Southern Districts. We owe a sense of obligation to him for his genuine support for our dream come true. In line with his interest Sir Monstuart Grant Duff, a statesman followed it up until the proposal got materialized.

In December 1882,  at the end of the second term after the usual Distribution of prizes  and Drama at Nagapattinam had been over, the professors, teachers and students bade goodbye to their old friends and were transferred to Tiruchirappalli.

In 1875, Fr. De Noircourt SJ bought Clive’s House and was running a primary school there.

On 1 October 1882, the foundation stone for the Fathers Residence was laid and blessed by Mssr.Alexis Canoz SJ, then the Vicar Apostolic of Madurai Mission.

Right after the transfer, the Clive’s was the first to house St Joseph’s College, St Joseph’s High School and Hostel.  Fathers, Seminarians and Boarders were accommodated in the Clive’s. Kitchen and Dining Hall (Matha Eating House) were in the newly built Fathers Residence.

On 18 January  1883,  the classes were resumed at Clive’s House. Two days after boarders had to be dispersed due to the outbreak of cholera. But Day-scholars poured in. Hence classes were uninterrupted. By 31 March 1883, students were 781 on roll among whom 430 were Catholics. Since then the numbers had gone on increasing. In addition to that 140 students studied in a Branch School at Hridayapuram. To attend to the needs of the students additional buildings were built with the handsome donation from the Government.

By June 1883, student numbers, excluding Branch Schools and Technical Department, increased to 1812.  In the same year, the dual role of the Rector as a single head for College and School, was assigned with Fr.J.D.W.Sewell SJ who acted as the Manager of College and School as well.

On December 1883, teachers and students made a pilgrimage to the Holy Redeemer’s Church for the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since then it has continued till date.

In 1884, Fr. Faseuille SJ succeeded Fr. Jean SJ as Rector. During his Rectorate, a piece of ground opposite Fathers Residence was bought partly from the Municipality and partly from Government.  Inigo Block, Marian Hall and Britto Hall were built at the cost of Rs.4 lakhs. College classes were held on the ground floor. First floor was used for School students and the second floor accommodated laboratories, Library and Museum.

In 1887, the dual role of Fr.J.D.W. Sewell SJ as the Manager was bifurcated into Headmaster and Principal. Fr.Gnanapragasam SJ became the first Headmaster of the St Joseph’s School.

Catholic Alumni Association for the students of the college and school  traces its roots to  November 26, 1889. Fr. Hardeu SJ became its first Director. Fr. Lacolm Sj acted as the Assistant Director.

In January 1890, Rt.Rev.Alexis Canoz SJ, Bishop of  Tiruchirappalli  laid the foundation stone for the St Lourdes Shrine in the campus. Mr.Savarimuthu Maistriyar carried out the construction of the church. In 1903, the church was blessed and dedicated.

In September 1891, Government upgraded the school as High School by order. (RC.No.11423, dated 29.09.1891 of D.P.I., Madras)

In 1893, the Collector of Tiruchirappalli, Mr.W.H.Welsh provided the specimens for the museum.

In 1893, Roger Ground (Britto Colony) was bought which served as the playground for the students.

In 1894, Fr.Visuvasam SJ became the Headmaster.

In 1894, Fr.Billard SJ came with  rare collections of ferns. In the same year in October Literary and Debate Society were started.

In November  1894, Fr.Billard Sj bought a plot for the St.Mary’s Thope.

On 14 April 1895, Pontifical Mass was celebrated by His Excellency Ladislaus Zeleski SJ

On 14 and 15 April 1895, Tiruchirappalli witness the GOLDEN JUBILEE celebrations of  the twin educational institutions St Joseph’ s College and St Joseph’s High School. Rt.Rev.Barthe SJ, Bishop of Tiruchirappali and Mr. E.C. Rajan, the Collector of  Tiruchirappalli graced the function. Headmaster Fr. Visuvasam SJ was one of the key persons behind the various celebrations marking the Jubille.

In 1896, Bellarmine Semi-Boarding was started exclusively for the students from Tiruchirappalli. Fr.Santhappar SJ was its first Director.

In 1898, Fr. Camboulive SJ started the Musical Band.  After two years in 1900, Fr. Fr.Suave SJ bought new musical instruments from France for the College Band.

In June 1903, Fr.P.Maria Jeganather SJ assumed office as the Headmaster.

In 1910, old SSLC Examinations were introduced by the Government.

On 2 January 1918, General Baratoff visited St.Joseph’s.

In 1919, Shri Rabindranath Tagore delivered a talk on ‘The Message of the Forest’ in the Lawley Hall.

In June 1921, Fr.S.Miranda SJ took over as the Headmaster.

On 23 January 1922, His Highness Maharaja of Cochin visited the St.Joseph’s.

In June 1923, Fr.J.M.Arulnather Sj became the Headmaster.

In June 1933, Fr.A.M.Antonysamy Sj officiated as the Headmaster.

In June 1939, Literary and Debate Society, Physical Department and Scouts Movement were introduced.

In June 1941, Fr.F.Devaiah SJ took over as the Headmaster. Since then School Annual Report got printed and was read out in the School Annual Day Programme.

On 9 February 1941, Quadricentennial Anniversary celebrations of Society of Jesus was inaugurated.

On 6 October 1942, Viceroy of Madras Presidency, Mr.C.Rajagopalachari made a visit to the institutions.

In June 1944, Fr.X.M.Adaikalam SJ assumed as Headmaster.

From 9 to 11 February 1945, on completion of 100 years in the field of education, Centenary celebrations marked the annals of the school history. Then students numbered to 2300. Fr.X.M.Adaikalam SJ was one of the key persons behind the celebrations.

In February 1945, Nobel Prize Laureate Sir C V Raman visited St. Joseph’s institutions.

In June 1947, Fr.T.Thomas Fernando SJ took over as Headmaster. Class Magazine was introduced to promote the creative skill of the students in drawing, story writing, poem writing and so on.

Fr.I.Thomas SJ assumed as the Headmaster. From the year 1950-51 School Annual Report was drafted in Tamil and read in the School Annual Day Programme except for the years 1955, 1956 and  1957.

Fr.Jerome D’Souza SJ was closely associated with Dr.B.R Ambedkar and worked for the commission in drafting the constitution of India. On 26 January 1950, the first Republic Day celebration in the school etched on the memory of the people.

In 1951, NCC (Army) and  NCC (Navy) wings were introduced.

In June 1952, Fr.M.Marianayagam SJ became the Headmaster.

In 1953, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Shri C.Rajagopalachari visited St. Joseph’s.

In June 1955, Fr.A.J.Thambi SJ assumed office as the Headmaster. Each cadre of NCC was doubled.

In 1956, Sesquarcentennial (350 years) Birth Anniversary of St Francis Xavier was celebrated.

On 3 October 1956, Honourable Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, accompanied by K.Kamaraj and Indira Gandhi made a visit to St.Joseph’s.

On 9 and 10 February 1957, celebration at the campus marked the Centenary Celebration of Madras University.

In June 1958, Fr. Machado SJ took over as Headmaster and served for a year.

In June 1959, Fr. Marianayagam SJ officiated as the Headmaster for the second time. English Medium sections were introduced in the school.

In June 1960, School uniform was introduced for the first time.

In June 1962, the Tamil Nadu Government introduced Midday Meal Scheme in schools to promote interest towards study.

In June 1963, Fr.S.X.Thangadurai SJ assumed office as Headmaster.

In June 1964, the school turned out to be a fully aided school.

June 1965 onwards correspondent position was created. The first Headmaster and Correspondent of the school was Fr.Machado SJ

In June 1966, Elective subjects were introduced in SSLC. Joint celebration of Sports Day and Rector’s Day by the institutions were henceforth celebrated separately.

In 1968, educational monthly magazine in English ‘THE SCHOOL TEACHER’ was published from the school under the able leadership of Fr.Sequira SJ as the chief editor. Fr. Machado SJ was the publisher and Fr. Arul Joseph SJ was the coordinator of the magazine. Five hundred copies were made and sent to all Jesuit schools every month.

In 1968, as a gesture of encouragement to the teachers for their relentless work for the upliftment of the students, excursions were arranged to different destinations every year.

In the academic year of 1968-69 students of St Joseph’s High School and Mysore College of Education organized a grand Science Exhibition. It continued for four consecutive years. People of Tiruchirappalli witnessed the combined efforts of the students and their commendable presentations in the exhibition.

In 1969, Quasquicentennial (125 years) Anniversary of the St Joseph’s Institutions was celebrated. The celebration was commemorated by installing Public Addressing System in the school. Fr. Machado SJ. was awarded with the most coveted National Best Teacher award in recognition of his relentless service rendered in the field of education by the Indian Government.

On 11 February 1970, Honourable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Mr.M.Karunanidhi graced the first day function of the Quasquicentennial Anniversary valedictory celebration. The Chief Minister inaugurated the Community Centre to mark the historic occasion. Fr.Machado SJ in the capacity of the Headmaster and correspondent, played a vital role in organising the celebrations.

On 27 June 1970, Fr.Machado SJ was awarded with the UNESCO Award in recognition of his efficacious approach towards students which was the cause for centum pass results in SSLC Government Public Examinations and for 4 students scoring centum marks in Chemistry subject.

In 1971, school bus was purchased for the conveyance of the students from home to school. Registration No. MDT 4161.

In June 1972, Fr.D.Arockiam SJ assumed charge as Headmaster and correspondent.

From 4 to 6 February 1973, an enthralling Mega Arts and Science Exhibition that was held in our campus etched on the memory of all those who witnessed it.

In 1976, school was recognized as Minority Institution. (TC NO.24541 G 3/76 dated 20-11-1976)

In June 1977, Fr.S. Ignatius SJ became Headmaster and correspondent.

On 13 November 1977, the excess water from the incessant rain soaked the river bed. The swelling Cauvery inundated the surrounding submerging the low lying areas. The people with their livestock took shelter in the school. They were fed thoroughly as long as they took refuge at the school.

In July 1978, the school was upgraded as higher secondary school.

In April 1979, according to the suggestions made by the provincial of Jesuit Madurai Province Fr.Rex A. Pai SJ the English medium sections were suspended in the school.

In September 1979, the school was one among the 100 selected schools for the NSS programme in Tamil Nadu. State level inauguration of the programme was held in the New Hostel Hall. Honourable Minister for Education Mr. C. Aranganayagam of the then Tamil Nadu Government presided over the programme.

In December 1979, NSS Special Camp was held in the village of Ettarai Koppu.

In June 1981, Fr.A.J.Arockiasamy SJ became Headmaster and Correspondent. State level Science Exhibition was organized by the school.

In June 1983, Fr.L.John SJ assumed office as Headmaster and Correspondent.

From 24 to 26 February 1984, on successful completion of 100 years in Tiruchirappalli, Centennial Celebrations were well organized. The highlight of the celebration was the Federation Cup Football Tournament which was held in the present school play ground. Fr.L.John as Headmaster and Correspondent played a key role in the planning and execution of the celebration.

In June 1985, Saravanan of XII std. under General Machinist stream was awarded with the cash amount of Rs.10,000 by the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for securing 600/600 in the HSC Public Examinations. Computer Science stream was introduced for Xi std. students. To facilitate students learning, a Computer Lab was erected with three computers.

In February 1986, when Pope John Paul II made a pastoral visit to Chennai, the then Headmaster and Correspondent Fr.L.John arranged for a trip to Chennai for all the staff to obtain Papal Blessings from the Pope.

In June 1987, Fr.Ignatius SJ became Headmaster and Correspondent for the second time.

On 11 February 1987, the Rector Fr.Paul C.Jesuraja SJ laid the foundation stone for the school new building. Same year on 15 December, Fr.Peter Kolvenbach SJ, the Seperior General of Society of Jesus blessed and dedicated the building for the school.

In June 1988, the school was shifted from the Inigo Block to the present building.

In 1989, Alumni Association for school students was inaugurated. The first Director of the Association was Fr.Joseph Lawrence SJ

In 1991, Inigo Illam (Hostel) was introduced for the Catholic students from economically backward sections of the society.

In June 1993, Fr.Felix Joseph SJ officiated as Headmaster and Correspondent. Ramanujam Mathematics Centre was inaugurated to promote mathematical skills of the students.

In 1993, Cultural Week was introduced which provided an excellent exposure to various manifestation skills. Competitions gave ample opportunities for students to develop their potentiality into skills. ‘Sanchayika’ Saving Scheme was introduced to instill saving attitude for the future.

On 14 September 1994, Inaugural Ceremony of the Sesquicentennial (150 years) Celebration was organized.

18 September 1994, inauguration of Employment and Training Centre on behalf of the Alumni Association marked the Sesquicentennial celebration. State –Level Seminar for Headmaster was hosted by the school.

On 9April 1995, Valedictory Function of the Jubilee Celebrations had been organized. Fr.Felix Joseph SJ in the capacity of Headmaster and Correspondent played a significant role in the celebration.

In June 1995, Fr.Joseph Lawrence SJ took charge as Headmaster and Correspondent.

In June 1996, Sivakumar of XII std. under General Machinist stream was awarded with the cash amount of Rs.10,000 by the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for securing 600/600 in the HSC Public Examinations.

In April 1997, G. John Ranjith of X std. secured third rank at State-level by scoring 483/500 in the SSLC Public Examinations.

On 10 February 1998, the renovated St Lourdes Church (College Church) on the occasion of Jubilee Celebrations was blessed and dedicated for the devotees.

In June 1998, Fr.John Gualbert SJ became Headmaster and Corespondent.

On 19 March 1999, new building for Camboulive Musical Band was blessed and inaugurated.

In June 1999, Computer Studies classes were introduced to prepare students to equip themselves for futures needs. 30 new computers were added to the Computer Lab to facilitate learning.

In August 1999, Veeramaamunivar Tamil Literary Club was started.

In 2002, Morning Meal Scheme was inaugurated totally free of cost for those students who are not affordable for breakfast due to poverty. School management, the Staff and  the alumni  have been patronizing the initiative into a successful accomplishment right from its inception.

On 16 October 2002, National Green Corps (NGC) was started in the school.

On 20 December 2003, The Honourable President of India, Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam flagged off the Jubilee celebrations by attending the inaugural ceremony.

On 28 April 2004, Rt.Rev.Jude Paulraj D.D., Bishop of Palayamkottai released the 160th year Souvenir in the school. Fr.John Gualbert SJ played a significant role as Headmaster and Correspondent. A.Ramachandran of X std. secured Second Rank scoring 493/500 in the State SSLC Public Examinations.

In June 2004, Rev.Dr.L.Francis Xavier SJ officiated as Headmaster and Correspondent.

On 11 August 2004, with the intension of ‘By the students, for the students’, SUPAM (Students Uplift Animation Movement) was initiated in the school as a gesture of charity towards the poor students.

On 6 October 2004, ‘DEIVA SANGAMAM’ Inter-religious Prayer Centre was opened in the school premises.

In October 2005, the swell in the Cauvery due to heavy rains, flooded the surrounding areas. Arrogant inflow of water into the school premises carried away valuable records and books. The damage was irreparable. 2006 and 2007 were the glorious years for the school as all students of X std. passed in the SSLC Public Examinnations.

In 2007, en elegant gate was erected facing Chathiram Bus Stand.

On 5 September 2007. Government of Tamil Nadu honoured Rev.Dr.L.Francis XavierSJ by  awarding the Dr.Radhakrishnan Best Teacher Award.

In September 2007, Fr.Thomas SJ assumed office as Headmaster and Correspondent. Night Study for the slow learners was initiated.

In June 2008, Fr.K.A.Augustine SJ assumed office as Headmaster and Correspondent. Daily Moral Instruction and weekly School Assembly were introduced to develop faith in God, desirable values, positive attitudes and to inculcate disciplinary etiquettes. Responding to the signs of time, self-financed English medium classes were started again.

In June 2009, Bro.A.Kulandairaj SJ officiated as Headmaster and Correspondent.

In July 2009, Inter-school Football Matches were organized in memory of Fr. Joseph Lawrence SJ.

On 9 February 2011, illustrious alumnus of the school Shri Shiv Nadar, Founder Chairman of HCL visited the school, and as he is philanthropic in nature, donated 350 computers and only 100 were installed to equip the Computer lab as per the request made by the management. New staircases were constructed on both sides of the stage to avoid crowd on stair cases.

In May 2012, Madurai Jesuit Province decided to separate the responsibilities of Correspondent from that of the Headmaster and appointed Correspondent for each school. Accordingly in June 2012 Bro.M. Devadoss SJ was appointed as the first Correspondent for the school. Fr.Dr.L.Francis Xavier SJ took over as Headmaster for the second time.

In April 2013, school secured centum pass in the SSLC Public Examinations.

On 5 September 2013, Mr.H.Armstrong, Additional Assistant Headmaster was awarded with the Dr.Radhakrishnan Best Teacher Award by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

On 22 December 2013, Fr. Sebasti L. Raj SJ, Provincial, Jesuit Madurai Province laid the foundation stone for the English Medium division new building. On completion of the building Father Provincial blessed and inaugurated it on 30 June 2014.

In June 2015, Fr.A Simonraj SJ assumed office as Headmaster.

Retired Teachers Association was started. Smart classrooms and CCTV cameras  were installed in and around the school. Various Student Movements were introduced to instill social responsibilities in the minds of students. , Student Teaching (ST) was initiated to bring out speaking skills of students.

On 5 September 2015, Fr. Dr.L.Francis Xavier SJ was honoured with the National Best Teacher Award by the Government of India.

On 28 February 2016, Mgr.Fr.Adolfo Nicholas SJ made a visit to St Joseph’s institutions.

In June 2016, Fr.Y.S.Yagoo SJ officiated as Correspondent. He introduced a prize namely Leveille Achievers Prize for those students who scored high marks in their examinations. Inter-school Drama Competition among Jesuit schools in memory of the former Headmaster Fr.V.Thomas SJ was introduced to draw out the hidden potentials of the students. RO water facility was installed for the students partly a share by the Alumni  (1977 Batch) and the rest by the management.

In June 2017, Fr.K.A.Augustine SJ took office as Correspondent. Paver Block floor gave a facelift to the school premises. Offices of Correspondent, Headmaster and school were renovated.

In June 2018, Fr.Vincent Amalraj SJ officiated as Correspondent.

On 5 October 2018, Inaugural Ceremony of Dodransbicentennial Jubilee Celebrations were graced by the Honourable Minister of HRD Shri Prakash Javdekar and Honourable State Minister of Tourism Mr.Vellamandi N. Natarajan. To mark the occasion, a new arch was designed and constructed by the family members of the alumnus Mr.L.Adaikalaraj (late), former Member of Parliament.

On 5 february 2019, Philanthropist alumnus Shri Shiv Nadar, Founder Chairman of HCL made a visit to his Alma Mater to grace the Dodransbicentennial Celebrations. Headmaster Fr.A.Simonraj SJ and Correspondent Fr.M.Vincent Amalraj SJ played a key role in making the celebrations a meaningful one.

In June 2019, Fr.J.A.Jayaraj Elankeswaran SJ took over office as Correspondent and Fr.S.Joseph Kennedy SJ as Headmaster. In order to fuflfil the water requirement of students, a new borewell was put up. Cultural Week competitions which formerly used to be conducted in a couple of weeks was spread out throughout the year with one competition for a week, had ample time for the students to prepare. New computer application books were prepared for classes VI – to IX and teachers were assigned with the task of teaching the students. Student Orientation programmes and inter-religious Discussion are being organized to nurture a comprehensive personality and promote religious tolerance. In collaboration with Holy Cross College, Trichy our school identified the hearing impaired students in our school and given treatment adequately.

St. Joseph’s College Higher Secondary School is marching towards new horizons of glorious Bicentenary Jubilee (200 years) under the leadership of Fr. Dr. G.Leonard Fernando SJ, the Rector of St.Joseph’s Institutions, Fr. J.A.Jayaraj Elankeswaran SJ, Correspont of the school, Fr. S. Joseph Kennedy SJ, Headmaster, and Bro. M.Arockiadoss SJ, Assistant Headmaster. The Jesuit Management is relentlessly endevouring towards upliftment of the poor and marginalized in all aspects of student’s life. With the committed staff members, the loyalty of the Alumni, cooperation of the parents, and interest and involvement of the students the school will certainly march ahead towards a successful future.


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